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Cover page L'Université au XXIe siècle
Paris, London, Geneva

English translation
Published by the Glion Colloquium
Print on demand edition with Amazon/KDP

Cover page The University iin the XXIst Century

EXTRACT OF THE PREFACE This book shines a spotlight on the challenges facing universities at the start of the 21st century. It is addressed to the leaders of universities, to the political authorities who support and control them, and to the companies, foundations and benefactors with whom they work. The book is also addressed to all those who would like to become better acquainted with the world of the university, its role, its responsibilities and the way it operates, whether they are already members of the university community or are planning to join it. The political, economic, demographic, social, scientific and technological changes which  have transformed the world since the end of the Second World War, and in particular since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, have been so profound and so rapid that no individual and no institution can avoid them, not even universities. It is true that history tells us that the world has always been in a state of flux but the speed of change has accelerated rapidly, and the number of different changes we are going through today is quite simply revolutionary. In today’s world, individuals and institutions are expected to be innovative and flexible, in order to adapt to an environment which continues to evolve rapidly. Universities, however, are generally conservative institutions, even if they have shown over the centuries that they........ However, in an increasingly knowledge-based society, the need for new knowledge is such that obsolete institutions are inevitably replaced by others, either of a similar or different profile, and in particular by large, private, global, profit-seeking corporations. Such an evolution should not be taken lightly, given that these new institutions do not defend the same values of universal knowledge which traditional universities have upheld for centuries. The defence of these values has not only underpinned the universities’ reputation and renown, it has also ensured that they are best placed to push back the frontiers of knowledge for the benefit of everyone and to help humanity, in its broadest sense, resolve the serious challenges which it faces today. All universities worldwide, irrespective of their mission or quality, are influenced by these major changes......


“In economics, a crisis takes

a much longer time coming

than you think, and then

it happens much faster than

you would have thought”





Cover page 1st Glion Declaration

Declaration prepared by the participants in the Glion Colloquium 1998 addressed to the participants of the UNESCO World Conference in Higher Education in Paris

Cover pages Challenges Facing HD (ACE)
Cover page Challenges Facing HD (IAU)

1st Glion Colloquium

Edited by Werner K. Hirsch and Luc E. Weber

Published by the American Council on Education (ACE) and Oryx Press series on Higher Education, Phoenix/Arizona, as well as by The International Association of Universities (IAU) and Pergamon Press

Cover page Governance in HE

4th Glion Colloquium

Edited by 

Luc E. Weber and

James J. Duderstadt

Published by ECONOMICA,

Paris, London, Geneva

Cover page 2nd Glion Declaration

​2nd Glion Declaration prepared by the participants in the 7th Glion Colloquium

Cover page Preparing Universities for an Era of Change

9th Glion Colloquium

Edited by 

Luc E. Weber

and James J. Duderstadt

Published by ECONOMICA,

Paris, London, Geneva

Cover page The University at the Crossroada to a Sustainable Future

12th Glion Colloquium

Edited by 

Luc E. Weber and 

Bert van der Zwaan

Published by ECONOMICA,

Paris, London, Geneva

Cover page The public responsibility for HE

Edited by Luc E. Weber and Sjur Bergan 

Council of Europe higher educaton series No. 2


......."The university is one of the greatest inventions of the present millennium: although created more than nine centuries ago, it remains one of the glories of human aspiration and one of the triumphs of the power of imagination. We, as members of its community of learning, challenge it to play a transforming role in society, and thus to transform itself* .....

(For more, read the PDF in english or french)

Cover page 1st Glion Declaration fr

Traduction française de la Déclaration préparée par les participanjts au 1er Colloque de Glion en 1998 à l'intention des participants à la Conférence mondiale de l'UNESCO à Paris sur l'enseignement supérieur

Cover page As the Walls of Academia are Tumbliong Down

2nd Glion Colloquium

Edited by Werner K. Hirsch and Luc E. Weber

Published by ECONOMIC, Paris, London, Geneva

Cover page Governance in HE

2nd Glion Colloquium

Edited by Werner K. Hirsch and Luc E. Weber

Published by ECONOMICA,

Paris, London, Geneva

Cover page Unbiversities and Business

​5th Glion Colloquium

Edited by 

Luc E. Weber and

James J. Duderstadt

Published by ECONOMICA,

Paris, London, Geneva

Cover page University Research for Innovation

7th Glion Colloquium

Edited by 

Luc E. Weber and James J. Duderstadt

Published by ECONOMICA,

Paris, London, Geneva

Cover page University Prioritires and Constraints

10th Glion Colloquium

Edited by 

Luc E. Weber and

James J. Duderstadt

Published by ECONOMICA,

Paris, London, Geneva

Cover page The Globalization of Higher Education

6th Glion Colloquium

Edited by 

Luc E. Weber and

James J. Duderstadt

Published by ECONOMICA,

Paris, London, Geneva

Cover page Global Sustainability and the Responsibilities

9th Glion Colloquium

Edited by 

Luc E. Weber and James J. Duderstadt

Published by ECONOMICA,

Paris, London, Geneva

Cover page The Future of the University in a Polarizing World

11th Glion Colloquium

Edited by 

Luc E. Weber and

Howard Newby

Published by ECONOMICA,

Paris, London, Geneva


The Glion Colloquium, chaired from 2019 by Prof. Yves Flückiger, Rector of the University of Geneva, held two more meetings in 2021 and 2023 and published two more books:

  • 2022 Universities as a the fifth power? Opportunities, Risks and Strategies, edited by Ana Mari Cauce, Yves Flückiger and Bert van der Zwaan

  • 2024 The New Road to Success, Contributions of Universities towards more Resilient Societies, edited by Ana Mari Cauce, Yves Flückiger and Ivanka Popovic.

The fifteenth colloquium will take place in 2025.



Cover page The Glion Colloquium 1998-2023
Cover page The legitimacy of quality assurance in HE

Edited by 

Luc. E. Weber and 

Katia Dolgova-Dreyer

Council of Europe higher education series No. 9


Cover page Five ways to improve University financing
Cover page Responsiveness, Responsibility and Accountability
Cover page Highergate; project for a specialized internet portal
+st page lecture Quelques réflexions sur la tailler et la direction
Cover page International experience fo Assessing the Quality of Education


"Five Ways to Improve University Funding/Cinq pistes pour améliorer le financement des universités"

(avec Françoise Thys-Clement et Morton Balling)

Association des universités européennes (CRE), Doc. No 2, février​​​​




Responsivness, Responsibility and Accountability in Swiss University Governance

(with F. Grin and Y. Harayama)

Office fédérale de l'éducation et de la science, Dossiers OFES 2000/4f




"HIGHERGATE. Project for a specialized internet portal" (Proposal of Luc and Nicolas Weber to the Board of the International Association of Universities (IAU), Paris​




"Higher Education and Research: Key Drivers in an advanced innovation Society", Lecture Dublin August 2002​




"Justification and methods of university evaluation: a European perspective", Syposium "How to evaluate a university and what for?, Research Institute for Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) 22 February 2003​




"La politique universitaire, une question d'économie publique" Leçon d'adieu le 26 septembre 2006​​​​​




"Quelques réflexions sur la taille et la direction d'une université de recheche"

Exposé à l'occasion de la visite de Madame Valérie Pécresse, Ministre de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la recheche de France à l'Université de Strasbourg le 28 septembre




Institutional Governance and leadership in a changing policy context, EUA General Conference, Wroklaw, 25-27 October




Rapport d'audit de l'EUA/IEP de l'Université de Strasbourg; en voie de fusion​​​




"International Experience for Assessing the Quality of Education Services at Higher Education Institutions: A Policy Note for the Government of Poland"

The World Bank Group, Washington​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​




"RECETTES » du succès de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche suisse" Exposé à la résidence de l’Ambassadeur de Suisse à Paris, 11 avril 2013​




"Préparer les universités pour une ère de changement", Exposé dans le cadre de la Classe "Technologie et Société" de l'Académie Royalge de Belgique, 24 mai 2014






For the European Rectors Conference (CRE), later the European University Association (EUA)

  • (1996) University of Siegen (Germany) 

  • (1996) Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) (Belgium), with follow-up visit 

  • (1997) University of Minho (Portugal), with follow-up visit 

  • (1997) Free university of Brussels (ULB) (Belgium) as chair of the team, with follow-up visit 

  • (1998) University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 

  • (1999) University of Liège (Belgium) as chair of the team, with follow-up visit 

  • 2003) University of Franche-Comté in Besançon, (France), as chair of the team

  • (2004) Czech Technical University in Prague, (Czech Republic) as chair of the team

  • (2004) University of Nancy I Henri Poincaré (France), as chair of the team 

  • (2004) Trinity College Dublin, (Ireland) as chair of the team 

  • (2004) National University of Ireland, Galway, as chair of the team 

  • (2005) University of Liège, as chair of the team, with follow-up visit 

  • (2007) University of Aveiro, as chair of the team  

  • (2008) University of Mainz, as chair of the team 

  • (2009) Universities Marc Bloch, Robert Schuman and Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg, as chair of the team 

  • (2009 - 2010) Tohoku University, Sendai, (Japan), as chair of the team 

  • 2011) The Universities of the “Grande Region” (network composed of the following universities: Liège, Lorraine, Luxembourg, Kaiserslautern, Saarland and Trier), as chair of the team


For the University of Lausanne

  • (2006) Business school (HEC), as chair of the team 

  • (2008) Faculty of Arts and Humanities, as chair of the team 

  • (2013) Faculty of Arts and Humanities, as chair of the team


For the Tempus Project, European Union

  • (2007) Evaluation of the University Mohammed V - Rabat, Morocco, as chair of the team


For the French Agency (AERES)

  • (2008) Institut d’études politiques (Sciences Po Paris)

  • (2009) Paris IV Descartes


For the German Rector’s Conference; evaluation of the internationalization policy

  • (2010) Universities of Constance 

  • (2010) Applied science University of Munich 

  • (2010) Applied science University of Mannheim 

  • (2011) University of Hamburg 

  • (2012) University of Cottbus, with follow-up visit in 2013 

  • (2012) University of Ulm 

  • (2013) University of Marburg

  • (2014) University of Bamberg 

  • (2014) University of Passau


For the Austrian Accreditation Council for private universities (2001-13)

  • MODUL Private University, Vienna • PEF Private University for Management 

  • Sigmund Freund Private University 

  • Webster College, Vienna Campus


For the German Science Council in the framework of the «excellenceinitiative"

  • Julius-Maximillians-University of Munich (LMU)

  • University of Constance


With the Swiss Center of accreditation and quality assurance in higher education(OAQ)

  • Graduate institute of international and development studies (HEID), Geneva, Switzerland


For the Rector of the University of Geneva and the Director of the Graduate Institute (IHEID)

  • (2016) The Swiss Network for international Studies (SNIS)

  • (2017) The Geneva Centre for humanitarian Studies (CERAH)


As an advisor

  • (2010) Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

  • (2013 University of Oldenburg (Germany)

  • 2014) EUCOR university network composed of the Universities of Strasbourg and Mulhouse (France), Karlsruhe and Freiburg in Brisgau (Germany) and Basel (Switzerland)



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